Fallout shelter promo codes for steam
Fallout shelter promo codes for steam

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You are telling me when you log into your PC Fallout shelter there is no account name in the bottom right that is linked to the email you provided when you did your initial set up? I am being serious not trying to ask a rhetorical, just want to make sure I am not overlooking something. Safe to assume there are no bans for FS and maybe they don't even have means for doing that. Yeah, it might be possible for some offline games, but still that's quite rare. For Android version it seems they're also part of Google Play services. But if there's an account - what's the username and password? Cloud saves at least on Steam don't require separate account. Fact is fallout shelter does in fact have accounts. Could get into the exact details on how it would be possible but honestly itll just be a waste of both of our times. And I have seen bans to accounts for offline games in the past I honestly expect no difference here, youd be shocked to know whats fully possible from a companys end even for offline titles. literally right there on the bottom right when you log in. Originally posted by Ryuu:There is no such thing as "shelter account", since the game is completely offline(aside from shop), saves are stored locally, and in fact are lightly-encrypted xml-files.Įven if they are stored locally there is in fact shelter account.

Fallout shelter promo codes for steam